
Friday, May 27, 2011

My favorite Mommy and Mommy's girl tees

Yesterday my little Anna and I went to the zoo in our matching shirts. Mine says "Mommy" and hers said "mommy's girl" both are in studs and similar font.. We got asked several times yesterday where we got our shirts so I have decided to share with you all.. I got my Mommy shirt from and I carry the the girls sizes here at Frills & Fairytales! If you dont see your daughters size online...NO worries, just email me the size you need and I will make sure you get one.

When I bought my Glamajama Tee there was a coupon code glama that gave me 50% off, so I only paid 12.50 for mine.. Not sure if that still works but you can give it a try!

Btw.. The cute tee looks fabulous with the black Sparilicious flip flops In the mommy feet section at Frills & Fairytales!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011